Overflow : Youth Ministries

Come check out OVERFLOW,  for junior and senior high students, Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m., October through May. We occassionally have themed nights, service projects, and fun nights just to hang out and get to know each other better! Check out the church calendar for coming events!

At OVERFLOW we are all about three things:

   - Activating faith that OVERFLOWS.

   - Teaching them how to share their faith with others.

   - Connecting & building Godly friendships.

What to expect when you come to OVERFLOW:

   - Having fun. 

   - ​Making friends.

   - Hearing biblically based messages that are relevant to your life.



Our Sunday School class, meets at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings upstairs in Room 22, Labor Day through Memorial Day. It's at Sunday School that we come together to dig deeper into specific scriptures and topics, and discover how to let our lives naturally OVERFLOW into the lives of others! 




Fine Arts (Spring)
Summer Camp (June)
Truth Conference (August)
Back to School Bash (August)
Youth Convention (November)
Christmas Party (December)
Feed My Starving Children (Ongoing)
